An interesting phenomenon has emerged over recent years in financial accounting which could prove relevant to marketing. This is non-GAAP reporting by companies. What is, could be, the relatonshp between marketing and Non-GAAP disclosures. GAAP: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles The rules of external financial reporting, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, are known as GAAP. Non-GAAP reporting…
Category: Marketing Metrics
Marketing Metrics and the Value of Sponsorship
Message from September 2020 ***The new version of Marketing Metrics is out this month. Please rush out and buy your copies. Please leave us a review at Amazon or wherever you bought your copy.*** This post looked at changes for the 4th edition of Marketing Metrics. Specifically new sections on sponsorship metrics. Changes For The…
Capturing Budget with Excess Share of Voice
Now for a metric not yet in our Marketing Metrics book. I’m hoping that writing this means reading this blog post plus buying our book will give you every metric you could ever need. The metric I’m looking at here is excess share of voice. Excess Share Of Voice Today’s metric is Excess Share of…
Simple Marketing Metrics Good. Too Simple CLV Not So Good
Let me start this post by saying that I have had good experiences with Qualtrics. I have used their survey panel services before, and would certainly do so again. (Assuming they want me as a customer after this blog post). Unfortunately their attempt to give advice on CLV is, let me use a technical British…
Understanding What Companies Are Spending On Marketing. SG&A Isn’t Great.
I often discuss marketing assets. Specifically, I worry about that the way marketing assets are accounted for in financial reports. This does not help us understand marketing effectiveness. For example, see here and here and here. This results of financial accounting choices creat a significant problem in understanding what marketing does. It means we can’t…
Management Accounting and Customer Recording
At least one area of marketing metrics makes me positive. The future is bright. The area is what we might call management accounting and customer recording. This tends to work best where there are contractual relationships. With contracts or, at least, stable long term connections, we can go a long way to understanding the value…
The Destiny of Accounting Measures of Customer Assets
In an optimistic piece Keiningham, Aksoy, and Bejou outline what they think the future of customer asset management is. What should we expect for accounting measures of customer assets? How should we expect such assets to be treated in the future? Why Are Accounting Measures Of Customer Assets So Bad? They note three big problems….
RFM: Recency, Frequency, Monetary
Database marketing has evolved over the years. Nowadays I would say that CLV (customer lifetime value) has surpassed RFM. CLV is certainly more often recommended by academics (including me) nowadays. (CLV certainly works best with predictable payments. It is a bit more challenging to know how to rank customers with less predictable payments patterns). An…
What Is CLV For? Knowing Helps Decisions About CLV
Customer Lifetime Value is an important metric and it has potential to be valuable in running a wide range of companies. One thing that is useful with any approach is to say what is it for? So what is CLV for? This seems like too simple a question to be valuable but often that isn’t…
Bibliometric Citation Analysis and Understanding Brand Relationships
Bibliometric citation analysis is an interesting way to study a field. It is more objective than a traditional literature review type analysis. Through citations we can see what papers were especially influential in the field. There is a, not outrageous, assumption. Namely that more influential papers are cited more. It is particularly appropriate for fields…