Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment Now is a wonderful book. Pinker’s work is precisely the sort of thing that we need more of. I.e. writing from knowledgeable people able to see the big picture. The big picture in Enlightenment Now is about the biggest picture one can have. It is a defense of enlightenment thinking. The Enlightenment:…
Category: Academic Marketing
The Science Of Spotting BS
The authors clearly had a lot of fun writing their paper on the reception and detection of BS. They use the term “bullshit” more in the first few paragraphs than most people use their core term in the whole of any paper. That said, why not? It is an interesting and important topic. Do people…
Linking Biology To Behavior
Many people buy into the idea that we shouldn’t have the bright line between biology and psychology that we do. That said it is challenging to try linking biology and behavior. Here consumer behavior. Not least because we have few scholars who have enough knowledge of both domains. Hormones To Help Linking Biology To Behavior?…
What Do Business People Think Research Rigor Is?
A common theme in this blog is the problem of the connection between practitioners and research rigor. So what do business people think research rigor is? The Academic/Practitioner Divide It is hard not to notice that what academics do doesn’t seem to impact managers much. Indeed rigorous research often doesn’t seem to have any obvious…
In Defense Of A Really Silly Idea
One the silliest things that academics do is compare the number of ‘A’ publications people have. Who thinks that a career can be summarized by a single number? It is clearly an absurd idea. Even if research publications are all that count (and I think that is obviously nonsense) ‘A’ publications aren’t all the same….
Mathematical Thinking, Cons, And Finding Results
Jordan Ellenberg tells us how to use mathematical thinking to “not be wrong”. He tells us about mathematical thinking, cons, and finding results. Good Advice The advice is often very good. If he wants to call it as a result of mathematics that works for me. Following his advice will help us have better judgment….
Why Aren’t Academics More Relevant?
Much academic research is not connected to any immediate practical outcomes. This isn’t necessarily bad. Some research can have value to society more broadly or over a longer period. Saying that will happen can be a bit of a cop-out however. ‘This will be extremely valuable a long time after I die so give me…
Big Data And The Academic Practitioner Divide
What do we know about Big Data And The Academic Practitioner Divide? Is there cause for hope? I think so. At least a bit. The Big Divide I find the divide between academics and practitioners fascinating. It is clearly very large. More strangely, I find it amazing how easily many people on both sides accept…
Problems In Academic Research
Writing in the Journal of International Business Studies Klaus Meyer and his colleagues outline some problems in academic research. The authors tell us how they suggest dealing with the problem. Familiar Problems In Academic Research The problems they outline will be quite familiar to anyone following recent controversies in academia. The file drawer problem is…
What Do Marketing Researchers Research?
It is an important question, at least for academics. What Do Marketing Researchers Research? Doctor Know Thyself Academics love studying themselves. To this end, Cho, Fu, and Wu have dissected what academic marketing researchers have been up to for the past twenty years (1995-2014). They wrote up their results in a recent paper in the…