My Easter post on candy bars leaves me pondering where academia would be without chocolate. Many experiments over the years have entailed giving experimental subjects, mostly students, candy. You give them this either as compensation or as part of the experiment. Then you often see them bidding for candy. Why Candy? Interestingly candy may work…
Category: Academic Marketing
What Makes Your Thinking Different?
Tim Harford’s books are always engaging even as he covers topics that many don’t find the most stimulating. His latest book gives a lively introduction to macroeconomics. He notes how unique thinking can be powerful. So what makes your thinking different? The Phillips’ Curve In this Harford is obviously enjoying himself when he describes the…
A Year of Marketing Thought
On 13th of December 2012 I launched this Marketing Thought blog. Over 50 articles later I hope it has proved useful to students and colleagues alike. The greatest success has been “Behavioral Economics For Kids“. Thanks to Phil Chen’s cartoons many found it a helpful way to understand decision-making. A year of marketing thought has…
Bold And Full Of Hope
Business academics sometimes aren’t very bold. Too often we concentrate on achieving something doable rather than trying something that is a stretch. I always think that if no one thinks you’ll fail there isn’t much point in what you are doing. So I appreciate it when plans are bold and full of hope. Even if…
Managers and Academics
I think one the great rifts between managers and academics in marketing has been caused by NPS. To be fair there is blame on all sides. Asking Questions As researchers and teachers we have a responsibility to advance the practice of marketing. This isn’t just about teaching technical skills. Knowing how to discount a cash…
Academics And Managers
The application of research is a big topic in marketing and academics and managers would be well served by acting together more. Is Useful Important? We debate whether we are useful or relevant. And then we debate whether we should care about whether we are useful or relevant. I think of myself as an academic…