The GIFT Report (Global Intangible Financial Tracker) 2016 is a really useful piece. A collaboration by Brand Finance (a brand valuation firm), CIMA (the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants), and the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising). It contains some notes on intangible value. It highlights major factors and trends in the reporting of this…
Category: Marketing Metrics
A (Very Badly Done) Illustration Of Accounting For Marketing
I am not an artist in any way. Given this I’m not an ideal person to illustrate ideas. That said, I wanted to quickly (sadly not as quickly as it looks) get across the message that accountants really aren’t doing enough on the reporting of marketing assets. Considering how financial accountants report on marketing assets…
Creating Discussions Between Marketers And Accountants
In a piece for my accounting body (ACCA) I discuss the problem of what to do in respect of brands on the balance sheet. My intention is to help foster a dialogue between (financial) accountants and marketers. I am all about creating discussions between marketers and accountants. A lot of this website speaks to that….
Why Value Marketing Efforts Even When Perspectives Differ?
Jonathan Knowles notes that different disciplines often come at brand equity from different perspectives. For the sake of clarity, he lays out three ways of looking at brand. He uses exemplars from marketing, finance, and accounting. Although, of course, no discipline is monolithic — many marketers might take the finance perspective, etc… Why value marketing…
Marketing Accounts For Managers
Xin Wang and I published a piece in the International Journal of Research in Marketing. We called the article Marketing Accounts. This discusses marketing accounts for managers. The full text of this research article is available free of charge. See the link below. (We would like to thank SSHRC/the Canadian government for this. They provided…
Measuring The Impact Of Marketing On Wall Street
Bernd Skiera, and a couple of colleagues, have a paper that considers a relatively recent wave of research in marketing academia. They tackle event studies. These look at the impact of specified “events” on the value of a firm. Measuring the impact of marketing on Wall Street. Marketing Events Clearly marketers tend to concentrate on marketing events….
More On CLV: A Lot Of Bad Advice Out There
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is widely discussed in marketing. Unfortunately, given marketers rarely refer to anyone else’s ideas this just leads to lots of people having their own view. This means when one looks up CLV online you are very likely to get a view of the metric that may, or may not, make sense. You want more on…
Accounting For Brands
In a 2003 piece Tony McAuley discussed the history of accounting for intangible values. He interviewed Michael Schurch, CFO of RHM (Rank Hovis McDougall). They discussed the company’s decision to add the value of brands to the balance sheet back in 1988. This created a bit of a stir at the time, and has influenced accounting for…
Accounting For Marketing
Accounting for marketing deserves more consideration. Neither accountants nor marketers seem to give it much thought. That is a shame. It is a key area for understanding business. Yet, few are experts in it. Accounting For Marketing I think that there is a desperate need for marketers to understand accounting. Indeed, I think a lot…
The Tyranny Of Random Facts
BCG have a new piece on measuring marketing results: Making Sense of the Marketing Measurement Mess. There is a lot to like in it. They discuss the tyranny of random facts. Questions To Ask About Marketing Metrics The authors describe a number of questions to ask about marketing metrics. “Do the metrics and tools capture…