Jonathan Haidt believes he can bring people of different political approaches together. To do this it is important to understand the dimensions of morality. Understanding Others Haidt’s is an admirable goal. He is surely right when he notes that differences are not simply because “some people are good and others evil” (Haidt, 2012, page 370)….
Author: neilbendle
Variety Seeking And Halloween Candy
Variety Seeking Behavior Has A Large Literature My Halloween post is about variety seeking. This is an active topic in consumer psychology. There is a strain of research that asks why some people embrace variety more than others. I generally am less excited by work on the stable differences between people, traits. People do differ…
More On Evaluating Student Evaluations
Today’s piece has more on evaluating student evaluations. Braga, Paccagnella, and Pellizari’s (2014) article is a useful contribution to the debate about student evaluations. The Challenge Of Evaluating Evaluations This research does have limitations. For example, it is based on one school. Furthermore, the very strength of the article (random assignment of students to classes)…
Evaluating Evaluations Of Evaluations
Stark and Freishat (2014) are pretty negative about student evaluations of teaching. To be fair the more you study evaluations the more problems you see. I agree that we have a problem with bias in student evaluations of teaching. Still many of the criticisms of evaluations, however, seem to be about the general problems of…
Primary Election Strategy
I find primary elections endlessly fascinating. Partly because the decision is so tricky. We rarely have enough information to make an ideal choice, Yet, people still develop very strong opinions. In the 2008 Democratic primary it was hard to see significant policy differences between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. That didn’t stop intense arguments. What…
Does WEIRDness matter?
There is a debate in psychology and consumer behaviour. This concerns the generalizability of results from western university laboratory experiments. Lab experiments can be great at isolating causes. Yet, what you discover may not apply outside the specific context. Experiments, a criticism goes, tend to use a specific pool of subjects, so called WEIRD subjects….
Measuring Research Quality
One of marketing academics’ favorite recommendations is to measure outcomes. Still, measurement problems make it hard for academics to take our own advice. Let’s give academics the benefit of the doubt and assume they genuinely want to measure their achievements. How then do we go about measuring research quality? Measuring Research Quality A major part…
The Flutie Effect
Brand building advertising invests money into creating goodwill with a customer. Without further spending such goodwill declines. There are other ways to create goodwill. For example, US universities do so through the funding of sports. Such funding has its payoff through things like the Flutie effect. The Flutie Effect Doug Chung looked at the impact…
Valuing Brands In Accountancy
Valuing brands in accountancy has been a challenge for a long time. The Challenge Of Valuing Brands In Accountancy Brand valuation is a challenging topic. Still, it is a critical one for marketers. It is hard to look at corporate accounts without noticing that marketing is poorly accounted for. The accounts largely omit the value…
Story Spreadsheets
Business school spreadsheets annoy me. I’m not anti-spreadsheet generally. Indeed, a good spreadsheet is a thing of beauty. What irritates me is the belief students have that a good spreadsheet is a complicated spreadsheet. Students sometimes think that the more they can jam onto a single worksheet the better. This fundamentally mistakes the purpose of…