I think one of the great problems in marketing academia is that we spend a lot of time thinking about our models and very little time on our data. We have increasing clear views of how things connect up but we don’t really know what it is that we are connecting up. Deciding what objective…
Author: neilbendle
Spurious Correlations: A Big Problem With Big Data?
Tyler Vigen has done great work popularizing Spurious Correlations. He has found an effective way to convey an important message. Namely, that correlation does not equal causation. Lots of things are correlated but that doesn’t mean that they have anything to do with each other. Data Dredging To create his graphs Vigen indulges in: Data Dredging… a technique used…
Metrics that Marketers Muddle
From 2016: With Charan Bagga I have just published an article in the Sloan Management Review (see the article here). We called the article — rather self-explanatorily — Metrics that Marketers Muddle. Annoying Things That Marketers Do This central message is a bit cranky. Indeed we could have titled the paper, “annoying things that marketers do”. We highlight:…
The Aura Of Inevitability
Many markets have characteristics different to those of the “standard” products. By which I mean the apples and oranges one learns about in introductory economics. One of the more interesting facets of the information economy is that some markets can tip. This means success leads to future success. Winners get more. This can create the aura of inevitability….
What Is First Mover Advantage?
Information Rules by Carl Shapiro and Hal Varian is a classic business book. While today’s post will be a bit cranky it isn’t really about the book and I’ll be appropriately positive next week. The book descriptions of business scenarios are dated but the ideas are relatively timeless. Plus the dated examples make you feel young — battles…
Marshmallows And Your Future
Walter Mischel’s The Marshmallow Test is a really enjoyable book. His is a long career and he has numerous studies to draw upon. The whole area has suffered a few attacks (written in 2021 but there are still ideas one should know. (Of course, never get too obsessive about details of out work as our understanding, hopefully,…
Rationality And The Republican Autopsy
Political marketing is about giving voters what they want so one must have some notion of how voters think. With a colleague, June Cotte, I wanted to uncover how political marketers think voters think. The specific question we looked at was: “do political marketers think voters are rational?” What can we say about rationality and the Republican autopsy? Lack Of Clarity…
Are Free Markets Discovered Or Created?
A key social science question is: Are Free Markets Discovered Or Created? This has surprisingly large political consequences. For example, what is the role of government? How much does it create the conditions for prosperity, or should it just get out of the way? Market Design Market Design is the study of what makes for…
Experimenters And Economists
Advocates for more behavioural approaches to understanding economics often use experiments. These typically show people acting in strange ways. Or at least that violate the principles of traditional economics. (Maybe the people are normal and the principles weird). A key thing is that experimenters and economists can be the same people. There is much potential uniting these…
The Last Mile: Implementing Your Wonderful Strategy
Dilip Soman’s The Last Mile is an excellent book. It reiterates fascinating points that are commonly found in behavioral (economics) books. What sets the book apart? The effective structure put to the insights. There are plenty of classifications and tables. These help us better understand the vast number of behavioral insights that the book contains. Test Your Ideas Other interesting points…