Thomas Davenport and his colleagues have a recent piece in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science on Artificial Intelligence, AI, and Marketing’s Future. This is an eminently readable piece, which I appreciate. It lays out some issues with AI and where the marketing discipline may go. AI And Human Beings I am fascinated…
Author: neilbendle
Machine Learning And Retailing
Joseph Ryoo, Xin/Shane Wang, Praveen Kopalle and I have an article available now in the Journal of Retailing. This focuses on machine learning and retailing. It is a major question how new technology will change retail. Our work therefore tries to get a grip on this. Reviewing Machine Learning And Retailing In The Literature We…
Strategic Change And Stakeholders
A recent article in the MIT Sloan Management Review looks at how we can analyze strategic change. The model by Tom Hunsaker and Jonathan Knowles (a coauthor of mine) looks at the nature of change needed by firms. The model helps us focus on strategic change and how this fits with stakeholders. Specifically, the authors…
Are American Minds Coddled?
The Coddling of the American Mind, Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt‘s book, is a great read. It is full of interesting stories about where society, and universities in particular, are going wrong. I have a decent amount of sympathy with their arguments. It is important that we preserve free speech. The cost being that sometimes…
Frequency Dependence And Strategy
Here I’ll highlight an idea from evolutionary biology that has profond implications for strategy. This is the idea of frequency dependence. I think people overlook thais concept, a lot. Whenever you see, “10 tips for success”, or even stronger claims like “the five things you must do” remember whoever is saying this is either a)…
QAnon and Political Marketing
Political Marketing aims to be relevant and may sometimes be more successful at this than some academic disciplines. If we want to be relevant it seems like there is a great opportunity to study QAnon and Political Marketing. QAnon And Academic Study If anyone does not know QAnon is a conspiracy theory popular amongst some…
A Total Q Mystery: Understanding Academic Marketing
I was disappointed to read Du and Osmonbekov‘s 2020 paper in the International Journal of Research in Marketing, see here. The authors clearly don’t mind hard work and I’m sure they have useful empirical skills. Still they aren’t young researchers making errors or rushing a paper to the market. They can do better. It is…
Adjusting For Unrecorded Intangibles Is Hard
I have previously written about the good, and not so good, parts of Alexander Edeling’s, Shuba Srinivasan’s, and Dominique M. Hanssens’ 2020 review paper on the marketing finance interface, see here. Here I will comment on a specific assertion they make that strikes me as misleading. It is important to highlight this as I fear…
The Case Against: Is Education A Waste
I have mixed feelings on Bryan Caplan‘s books (see also here). I must confess to appreciating that he tackles hard to discuss, important topics. Is education a waste is certainly one of those. I also don’t want to be the sort of person that, just because I don’t have a similar perspective to Caplan, I…
Catalysts And Persuasion: Changing Minds
I enjoy a nice book on persuasion and Jonah Berger‘s on catalysts and persuasion is certainly one of them. (They make excellent gifts at any time of the year). His prior books were enjoyable and generally illuminating. The Catalyst follows in that tradition. (Although I do think it is funny when writing one of these…